The ink is flowing…

Lost Abroad

About Jorden & his new book

Jorden Kuijper, born in Rotterdam in the late 1900s, has a great passion for writing stories. He loves it so much, he tends to daydream by day and put the dreams to words by night. Whenever he’s not writing, you can usually find him climbing in a boulder hall, cooking in the kitchen, (badly) playing the guitar, spending time with friends and family or, most likely, sticking his nose in one of his books.

During his college years, Jorden had the chance to go abroad to Indonesia for a year, and he earnestly took it. 5 years later, Lost Abroad came to be. Based on some of his own experiences in the tropical paradise that is Indonesia, Lost Abroad tells the tale of a young student who moves abroad without his family, without his friends, without his beloved. He faces great highs in the adventures of his new home, and great depths in the struggles that dawn upon him. This book is not a typical coming-of-age story, but nonetheless a journey of growth, love and adventure, with melodrama and humour sprinkled on top.

Jorden Kuijper, Woodtub Books

This book is amusant, exciting and most of all a not-so-typical coming of age story.

Marie Claire

Reading it feels like going on a journey, in each chapter something new awaits – A wonderful debut by a promising writer.

Celine Talma